Tuesday, April 24, 2007

.. is in the air

It took me an hour and a half to get up this morning after the first alarm went off. It was pretty much the same thing in repeat from yesterday morning. I seem to need a lot of sleep these days. It does not help to not look forward to my day. I am bored. I am never bored, but I have been lately. I am about to sign on to the steady job thing and I am already looking for the next thing. Not a good sign if you ask me. I think it is a temporary thing that will go over before long. And besides it is spring. Walking to work in the morning is the best part of my day, going through the park smelling the fresh air and listening to the birds sing. I really appreciate the spring this year. I just wrote myself into a good mood.. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Home Improvements

I painted my coffe table this morning. I am now high on oil paint.. One more coat and it will look a lot better than before. Next thing on todays program is to find something good to read and take a spanish lesson.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Just when spring had announced her arrival and things were looking good again, winter came back into town. It is winter wonderland outside so everything looks nice and clean, but I hope spring will come back to stay tomorrow. Winter had his chance and now he must let spring do her thing.