Friday, December 29, 2006


29.. Birthdays are about celebrating life, I think I will pass on celebrating mine right now.
Seems most other people did too..

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


What is most important in your life?
Have you managed to reach your goals?
on a scale 1-100%, how happy are you?

I am 100% clear about my priorities. They are simple,
and boiled down to a few fundamentals. Problem is, I have
discovered that I will never reach a satisfactory score.

So, my question is, how do I remove some
of the most important priorities in my life and find something
to replace them with?And will I become a member of
the 100% club in doing so, or am I fooling myself?

Monday, December 18, 2006


What are the basics? I believed in Love, knowledge, kids, health- the pursuit of happiness.
What happens when those legs get kicked out from under you?
I am travelling the road without those legs now. A sick involuntary experiment.
If this is the road less travelled i'd opt for the highway.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

On boys

I seem to be a magnet on guys I have absolutely no interest in. We are talking
unbalanced misfits.
This raises a few questions:
a, Am I a unbalanced misfit myself - maybe I am in denial?
b, Should I start being rude to unbalanced misfits to not attract them?
c, Should I just ignore the fact that this keeps happening to me?
d, But what about the balanced normal ones?

Answer: d, When I find a somewhat balanced normal person I actually
like -(don't hold your breath, It
occurs once or twice in life and will probably
never even happen again) he quickly head off in the
other direction (see question a, )

So we have established the fact that normal balanced guys are not even
considered an option,
but how do I keep off the misfit radars?

I think I need to go stealth...