Thursday, November 9, 2006

Running away

Crazy is as I am. I need a change NOW. Running away seems like the perfect thing to do. There are many reasons but mostly I am running away from my self. The running takes me half way across the world, hopefully it is enough.

I will be closer to what I need to keep away from, but it does not matter as the distance there is unbearable and unreachable no matter how close or far I am physically.

I do these semi spontaneous stupid things, big things, big risks - I challenge myself.
There are ALWAYS backup plans, but the risks are there. They are justified by not having anything to loose. I hope I am not proven wrong.

Monday, November 6, 2006

Prolonging life

They say a good laugh prolongs life. It's probably true. A good laugh that
leave your stomach muscles hurting can make you smile for days. My stomach
muscles have not hurt like that for a long time. I need to find something that
triggers it, fake or not. My life is getting shorter by the minute